Transitional Grey Hair

Covering Grey Hair

Growing out grey hair can be a challenging process, and seem a little daunting. Whether you are looking to achieve a seamless transformation for unwanted grey hair, blend salt-and-pepper tones, or embrace a natural silver grey shade, our highly skilled hair colour specialists can help. They have years of experience and can effortlessly transition natural grey and white hair shades to merge with your natural root, eliminating any visible lines of demarcation.

If you've spent years colouring your silver, white, or grey hair and are tired of frequent root touch-ups, it's time to embrace your natural shade! At Afrotherapy, your hair colour journey starts with a comprehensive consultation with one of our specialists, who will guide you on the most fitting shades and techniques tailored just for you.

To book an appointment or a hair consultation, please call us on 020 8345 5621 or book online.

Your Consultation

During your consultation, both you and your stylist will explore the level of grey you desire plus discuss the various techniques available before coming up with a plan to ensure you get your desired result. This may involve various approaches such as highlights, lowlights, or the gradual growth of your natural hair. Keep in mind that achieving your desired look might require more than one salon visit.

Feel free to share images of styles you admire, and we'll provide a detailed explanation before you make any final decisions. For lots more hair inspiration, check out our Instagram page, brimming with the latest top trending haircuts and styles. #hairinspo

Transitional Grey Hair: The Process

Transforming your hair colour to grey will typically involve an analysis of your natural grey. It's best to have a few inches of uncoloured new growth to enable our skilled stylists to thoroughly examine your hair. If you have a build-up of colour it may have to be stripped from the hair first. Your Afrotherapy stylist will then use advanced colouring techniques such as highlights, lowlights and colour glosses to replicate your natural shade of grey and create a seamless transition of colour. Over time, the amount of hair colour applied will gradually decrease, allowing more of your natural grey hair to emerge in subsequent appointments. The results will be breathtaking!

Grey Hair Colour Prices

Grey hair prices can vary and largely depend on the length and thickness of your hair, as well as the experience of the colourist.

View our hair salon price list.