Transition to Natural Afro Hair

If you’ve decided to go natural after many years of relaxing or perming your Afro hair or you simply want to avoid chemicals in your hair, then you generally have 2 options:

1.   Transition slowly over a period of time

2.   Cut the relaxed or chemically treated hair leaving only your natural hair.  This is sometimes referred to as ‘The big chop’

Whichever you choose is entirely up to you and there is no right or wrong way.


What’s the advantage of having The Big Chop?

·      You have a consistent hair texture as opposed to transitioning where you have to deal with two different textures of hair.

·      There are no long waits to go natural; your hair is returned to its natural state as soon as your relaxed hair is cut off.

·      With a big chop you have a fresh start with no chemically processed hair and no split ends.

Is there a disadvantage to having The Big Chop?

·      As much as having the ‘big chop’ can be liberating.  It can also be quite a shock especially if you’re going from really long hair to short hair.

·      Learning to deal with an entirely new texture of hair.  You will most likely need a new haircare regime including products and treatments.

·      You will have to learn and educate yourself on new hairstyles for short natural hair and the different stages of growth.  Speak with your stylist to decide on styles that will suit your face shape and personality.


What’s the advantage of Transitioning My Hair?

·      You have the time to learn about your hair type.

·      If you are not comfortable with short hair, you can avoid having to cut it and wait for your hair to grow  back out.

·      During transitioning you have the time to practice  your hair styling skills.

What’s the disadvantage of Transitioning My Hair?

·      The texture of your hair may not be the same, which means if you decide to wear your hair in a twist out or braid out style the root of your hair might be curly while your ends will be bone straight

·      The process of transitioning takes longer than if you just did “the big chop”.


I’ve tried the Natural Journey and it hasn’t worked for me.  Can I relax my hair again?

Going from natural hair to relaxed hair is not a decision to be taken lightly, there are a few things to consider before having your hair relaxed again or for the first time.

Condition of your hair:
Is my hair strong enough to take to a relaxer?  The texture of your hair plays an important part in deciding if relaxing is for you or not.  Speak to your Afro Stylist about the condition of your hair, however hair that is very fine, easily damaged or breaking shouldn’t be relaxed.


Is your job slow paced or hectic?  Is your diet poor or unhealthy or do you have an excellent diet? Are you gym fanatic or do you exercise regularly?  These are all important lifestyle questions you will need to consider which will in turn help you to decide whether what you do daily will affect you being able to manage relaxed hair.

Will you be able to maintain and keep up regular visits to the salon or at home treatments every of 2-3 weeks as well as every 6-12 week visits to the salon (depending on your hair texture) to have a retouch?

If you are unsure of what to do, call us on 020 8345 5621 and book a Personalised Consultation with a  Stylist who will be able to talk through the options with you.